Many payroll software packages are difficult to learn, require specialised knowledge of current legislation and are simply a headache that small company owners would prefer to avoid.
This is why many small, and medium businesses, resort to the expensive option of payroll outsourcing.
Herbst Insight Payroll Software is different – it is simple to use, and offers not just payroll but a complete HR department within a click of a button. You don’t have to worry about changing legislation, software updates or employing experienced payroll or HR specialists.
Our payroll processing is a 3 Step process that does not require any specialised knowledge. You simply:
The rest is taken care of, by the payroll software, and Herbst payroll processing specialists who keep the software up to-date, and compliant with the latest Irish legislation.
In addition to offering a simple to use interface and a cost effective solution, Herbst Insight Payroll Software includes a plethora of great features that are not available as standard with off-the-shelf packages available on the market:
3 Step Payroll processing, no specialised knowledge required
Employee Relationship Management Module (ERM) Integration
Eliminate Paperwork
Integrated safety statements, accident records and working contracts
Direct connection to ROS
Standard and Customised reporting
Time and Attendance Module Integration
Emailed payslips are encrypted
NERA compliant
User orientated access control based on role or department
Automatic Net to Gross calculations
Professional, highly experienced, Irish-based support
Great Payroll Software means nothing without the right people behind it. It is of critical importance to select the right HRM & Payroll software supplier.
You are dependent on them for; not only for training & support, but also for regular updates in relation to taxation or where there are changes to legislation.
The founders of Customised IT Solutions are chartered accountants & our support is run by a chartered accountant so not only do you get the most complete HRM & Payroll Software package on the market but it is backed up with practical accounting & payroll expertise.